Admit Card is live for Stage II for English Stenographer (Grade-II), Computer Operator (Information Technology Cell) Gujarati Stenographer (Grade-III),Gujarati Stenographer (Grade-II)



With the formation of the State of Gujarat on 1st May, 1960, there came to be established, at Ahmedabad, the High Court of Gujarat. The High Court of Gujarat, started its functioning at Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, with 4 Permanent Judges and 1 Additional Judge, for the work-load inherited from the parent High Court of Bombay, soon made its mark as one of the leading High Courts in the country.

Government of India vide Notification of the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs (Department of Justice) Notification No. K.11018/1/98.US.I, dated 11/01/1999 the Principal Seat of the High Court of Gujarat was declared at Sola, Taluka Dascroi, District Ahmedabad. The High Court of Gujarat started its functioning from 16/01/1999 in the New Building, with five entrances to the campus with adequate facilities of Court Rooms, Chambers, Departments, Government Pleader’s Office, Advocate’s Chambers, etc.

Since then, the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad has been functioning at the apex of the judicial administration of the State and is, as such, the Highest Judicial Authority so far as Gujarat State is concerned. The establishment of the High Court of Gujarat has two wings (1) Administrative Wing and (2) Judicial Wing.

The Recruitment Cell of High Court of Gujarat had been constituted in August, 2007, as the Recruiting Agency for Higher Judicial Service Officers, originally, to undertake the Recruitment and Promotion Processes for the Judicial Officers. Currently, the Recruitment Cell is conducting the various Recruitment Processes for the various posts on the establishment of High Court of Gujarat, District Courts, Industrial Courts and Labour Courts of the State of Gujarat, apart from the Recruitment and Promotion of Judicial Officers.


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